Finui Check Mark

Invoice import

Invoice import

Digitize all your invoices in one central location.

Never lose invoices again thanks to automated invoice imports

Finui Checkmark

Invoice forwarding

Rechnungsimport e-MailInvoice import via e-Mail
Finui Checkmark

Invoice forwarding

Invoices can be conveniently forwarded by you as attachments to the system via e-mail or uploaded directly in the document area. Bulk forwarding or bulk uploading is possible without any problems.

Finui Checkmark

Automatic categorization of your invoices

All documents are first categorized by the system so that only real invoices are imported into Invoice. Other files such as signatures are sorted out, but are still accessible in the document management.

Finui Checkmark

Automatic categorization of your invoices

Data extractionData extraction
Finui Checkmark

Automatic Text recognition

Invoice import OCR text recognitionOCR scan
Finui Checkmark

Automatic Text recognition

During invoice reading, all relevant information is automatically read from the invoices, making tedious typing a thing of the past. Text recognition works precisely and can also recognize non-standardized invoices, such as photocopies, without any problems.

Get started within minutes


We need only a few data for your account creation. After entering the data you will receive an activation email with which you can safely create your account.

Individual e-mail for your invoices

After logging in, you will receive an individual email to which you can send all invoices as attachments.

Assignment of roles

Set up cost centers, approvers and all other roles with our intuitive interface based on your needs. If you have any questions, we will be happy to help you.

Frequently asked questions

How is the email forwarding of invoices done?

After registration, you will receive an email address generated especially for you, e.g. "", to which you can send all your invoices as attachments. You can then communicate this e-mail within your companies as well as store it with e.g. software tools and suppliers, so that you have no effort at all with the procurement of invoices. Alternatively, you can upload invoices directly in the system. 

Can multiple invoices be uploaded at once?

Yes, whether directly in Document Management or via email. Multiple invoices can be uploaded at once.

How are e-mail messages handled?

Messages in texts are read and stored as a message to the respective invoice so that information is not lost.

How are invoices recognized as such? What happens if an invoice is not recognized as an invoice?

Based on an algorithm, all uploads and attachments of emails are categorized into invoices and non-invoices. The categorization is done in the document management. If an invoice is not categorized as such, you can still categorize it as an invoice by simply pressing a button.

How are duplicates detected?

Duplicates are automatically detected by invoice number and displayed as such on the respective detail page. All invoices that have ever been uploaded are checked.